Our client started with nearly zero monthly listeners on Spotify, 
but then..this happened. ⬇️


Increase your streaming 💰, 
& Take the stress out of growing on Spotify for good.

Does This Look Familiar?

Every time you check your Spotify, you see that not enough people are listening to the music you work so hard on.

You get frustrated trying to figure out why things just aren't working. 

You've even tried multiple methods of getting your music out there, but they just don't seem to make a difference.

How Would It Feel To See This Instead?

How much more confident about your success in music would you be if you saw these numbers every time you checked your Spotify?

Achieving this is easy, just use our database.

Unlock the database, hit up the Playlists & take it from there. Boom. That's it. It's really that simple.

The power of Spotify playlists can produce results like this:

Want to know why you haven't been getting the streams you deserve?

It's not because the music isn't good, it's because you don't market your songs like the major artists do.

Major labels use Spotify Playlists to market their music, & you should too.

It's a guaranteed way to generate thousands of streams organically, on every song you release.

Start marketing with Spotify playlists, & get real results.

"How Do I Find Playlists for My Music?"

  You could spend countless hours going out & finding playlists yourself, & build a list of them one by one.. 

 Or, you could save time, energy & effort, & access our playlist database now.

Why waste your time building up your own collection of playlists when you could access our professional database instantly?

"What do I Get When I Grab Your Playlist Sheet Database?"

The Major Label Playlist Sheet is our exclusive contact list of over 200+ Organic Spotify Playlists. 

This database is curated by our industry professional team with amazing playlists for you to submit your music too.

When you sign up, you get instant access to our playlist sheet, which you can then use to reach out to Spotify playlist curators & owners.

This database will save you countless hours of research.

Instead of wasting tons of time trying to find real, reliable playlists for your music, you can use the same list the pro's do. 

We've already done the hard work of finding real playlists for you.

The Playlist Sheet gives you the ability to have a go-to source for real Spotify Playlist placements, whenever you want.

That way you can grow your streaming numbers, build your audience, & increase your streaming 💰, just like the major labels do.

Once signed up, you're in. Access is instant.

Don't Waste Time.

When you sign up for our playlist sheet membership, you can start reaching out to playlists right away.

We make it easy. Just access our list, pick the playlists of your choice,  then contact these playlists owners directly. No need for a middle man. 💯

How It Works

Before The Playlist Sheet: 😅

  • Stressed & confused trying to get on Spotify playlists
  • No idea where to start
  • Frustrated with your streaming numbers not going up
  • ​Making little to no $ from streaming

After The Playlist Sheet: 😎

  • Found a database of Spotify playlists to make everything easier  💯
  • Started marketing your music 10x faster 📈
  • Saved hours of stressful research 🚀

Grab Our Database & Make Your Spotify Marketing Easier than Ever.

Are you ready to gain the access you need to expose your music to thousands of potential fans automatically, every single day?

Ready to finally stop stressing about the numbers, & release music with confidence?

If you said yes, become a Major Label Playlist Sheet member & get instant access to our Playlist database today.

If not, thanks for checking us out & we'll be here when you're ready.

"Believe in yourself and who you are, that's the foundation for everything great."

Jay Z.

2000+ Members Have Already Joined!


Today's Price

Now Just $6.99 per month

Only $6.99 per month. 100% risk free. Cancel anytime.

Why Become A Member? Here's What’s Included:

  • Our Contact Database With Over 300+ Organic Spotify Playlists for you to submit your music to. ($597 Value) 
  • Weekly Updates by our team with Fresh New Playlists for music submission.
  • ​​​All Playlists in our database Generate Streaming $ that goes 100% to you.
  • ​Playlists Included to fit any Genre, Style, or Sound.
  • Direct contact information for all Playlists & Networks to make getting songs placed easy.
  • ​Saves you countless hours of time & wasted money from using bot playlists.
  • Access to Exclusive Discount Codes.
  • Weekly Tips + Tricks to Grow Your Fanbase & More.
  • Instant access to our Our Playlist Contact Database With Over 300+  Spotify Playlists for you to submit your music to. ($297 Value
  • ​All Playlists in our database Generate Streaming $ that goes 100% to you.
  • ​Frequent Updates by our team with Fresh New Playlists for music submission.
  • ​​Saves you countless hours of time & wasted money from using bot playlists.
  • ​Playlists in Database to fit any Genre, Style, or Sound.
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